Friday, December 24, 2010

Some demo drawings and a painting sketch

Here are some demo drawings from my drawing class on Tuesdays. Usually I dont finish them as you can see. ;) I have several request for a portrait painting class so maybe in the new year I will start one with the Festival or on the side. (depending on my schedule too)

Drawing from a skull cast.

This exercise was using subtraction. You start off with a mid tone using vine charcoal and then you erase or subtract the areas where it is lighter in value. It is a great exercise to let you see in 2 or 3 values.

 One of the Bargue exercises.

 I recently met and visited Tex Lecor at his Studio. He is one of the great artists from Quebec. Not only he paints, he is a famous folk singer in the 70's and had some TV shows too. A real renaissance gentleman.

 Another subtraction exercise demo.

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