Sunday, August 24, 2008

fall workshops and courses

Hi, I will be conducting workshops and courses in the upcoming weeks and months. Here are the details...

One day workshop for portrait drawing - September 14, 2008 Sunday (beginner - advance) Workshop covers portrait sketching start to finish in charcoal. (6 spaces available, cost $30) Please contact

One day workshop for portrait oil painting - October 19, 2008 Sunday (advance) Workshop covers using a limited palette, from preparation, initial sketch, lay in, modeling to final touches. (6 spaces available, cost $35) Please contact

Basic/ portrait drawing - October 2008 date to be announced . (beginner- advance) 8 sessions of 3 hrs cost $120 (sessions are every 2 weeks Tuesday 7-10 pm) Instruction will be adjusted on participant's level. Please contact

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